“KCA Life Group” is a small gathering that meets on a regular basis to ‘do life’ together. It is an effective way for everyone to feel personally connected to the church community and to learn and grow our faith in an intimate and supportive environment. Life group is a place where you can love & grow with your family.

You will begin to really feel like part of God’s family.

Most people who have been a part of this group say the greatest benefit is the close relationships and friendships that develop. They will frequently telephone each other during the week to share an urgent prayer request or an exciting answer. You’ll discover that your needs and problems are not unique ~ we’re all in the same boat. It helps to know that others are facing the same difficulties, or have lived through them and learned spiritual principles in the process.

Prayer will become more meaningful to you.

Many people are hesitant to pray in front of others, especially in church fellowship. In a small group of 6 to 12, you will learn to participate in prayer by having a conversation together with God. No one is pressured to pray, but as you become comfortable, you’ll be able to pray, sentence prayers and join in. There are many promises in the Bible related to group prayer. In praying together with a few others, we are drawn together and we find answers to the needs in our lives.

The Purpose of KCA Life Groups

  • KCA Life Group is a Care Group
  • It is a place where Christians can gather together to care for one another through encouragement and practical expressions of love and kindness.

  • KCA Life Group is a Disciple Making Group
  • It is a place where Christians can grow together to become fervent followers of Jesus Christ through the process of discipling, teaching and mentoring.

  • KCA Life Group is a Ministry Group
  • It is a place where Christians can develop and use their God-given gifts and abilities to help others.

  • KCA Life Group is an Outreach Group
  • It is a place where Christians can bring their friends, neighbours and relatives in order for them to experience the life that is in Jesus Christ.